Digital Marketing portfolio work form current and past clients.

Having a consistent marketing strategy in place is essential to the success of every business. Industry leaders with unforgettable brand names, tag lines, and products know the importance of sustained, ongoing marketing.

Though their sales would likely continue even if they halted their marketing, these businesses know they should never stop because it helps them maintain their growth, retain brand presence, reach new markets, and continue as a leader in their industry.

Marketing is not a one-time solution only used to fix problems or achieve a specific goal—especially for small to medium-sized businesses. Businesses that abruptly halt their marketing efforts once they accomplish their objective will immediately lose momentum.

Don’t Let Your Business Lose its Pulse

Without regular marketing engagement, a business’s number of new leads, customers, and clients will plunge. Suddenly, the business finds itself back to square one. Why? Because without sustained, ongoing engagement, a business basically ceases to exist.

Once You Lose Momentum, It’s Hard to Catch Up

Businesses that halt email campaigns, social media posts, or content creation become invisible in the eyes of their current customers and potential customers. When customer acquisition and new cash flows stop, businesses will find themselves going into crisis mode and scrambling to implement effective marketing strategies that reopen customer communication.

Momentum is hard to gain in the first place. By consistently marketing, businesses won’t put themselves in the stressful position of trying to quickly build it all back.

Even When You Accomplish Your Goals, Keep Moving Forward

Consistent marketing not only keeps your business visible, relevant, and growing—it also gives your business the space it needs to experiment and innovate. If a business has a steady marketing strategy that maintains their current growth, they have the opportunity to test out new marketing techniques that may or may not work for their audience. Instead of focusing on making ends meet, businesses can securely conduct marketing trials to see what works best for their customer base and to see what can reach new audiences. Businesses that consistently market better learn their marketplace, discover what works best, and build strong brands that are continually optimizing.

Savvy business owners know marketing is ongoing and always changing. Most importantly, they know it must be sustained.

Does your business need help navigating its marketing strategy?

Marketing strategies that work at one point for a business may not work later on, especially when managing new growth. Contact Sun Sign Designs to set up a consultation and discuss marketing strategies that will keep your business moving forward.

MS Affordable Home provides a wide variety of special-needs populations with all-inclusive, affordable housing. They provide clean, safe, and accessible group homes and residential care homes to demographics in need of housing, such as veterans, seniors, low-income individuals, those seeking sobriety, and disabled or special needs individuals.

MS Affordable Home turned to Sun Sign Designs to create a beautifully designed website that speaks to their mission, backs their professionalism and credibility, and increases their visibility to their target demographics.

MS Affordable Home can’t advance their mission assisting those in need of accessible living environments without the ability to be found online. Developing MS Affordable Home’s SEO footprint was an essential element to helping them find local leads.

Since quality content is the cornerstone of relevant traffic, Sun Sign Designs performed extensive research in the affordable housing industry to write the keyword-rich homepage copy, articles, and resource materials needed to appeal to in-need demographics and convert leads.

As a result, health care providers or family members searching for housing for a patient or loved one in need can connect to MS Affordable Home’s solutions through a variety of content access points. This high-value, foundational content will be invaluable to increasing website traffic and local awareness of their services.

In addition to creating the foundational, cornerstone content needed to reach their audience, Sun Sign Designs built an aesthetically-pleasing, clutter-free website design that is easy to navigate, learn about their services, and fill out their housing application. Sun Sign Designs also wanted to visually emphasize MS Affordable Home’s sincere desire to support in-need demographics in their area. The imagery Sun Sign Designs carefully selected shows why it is important to seek support for special-needs individuals—because everyone deserves a place to feel safe, comfortable, and cared for.

Please visit MS Affordable Home’s new website at to view their new design, imagery, and content. Let us know what you think!


Does your business need quality, foundational content to strengthen your SEO strategy? Would your business benefit from relevant traffic and increased local awareness? At Sun Sign Designs, we don’t just implement generic SEO tactics. We work with you one-on-one to develop a successful SEO strategy that is unique to your business. Contact us now to learn more.

RVR Horse Rescue is a nationally-accredited, non-profit horse rescue facility located in Plant City, Florida. They are dedicated to saving and rehabilitating horses that have suffered from neglect, abuse, or injury. RVR believes every horse’s life is valuable and worth fighting for. Their top priority is healing horses in both body and spirit so they can live full, happy lives in the forever homes found through RVR’s adoption program.

RVR is run entirely by generous volunteers and relies on donations to help the horses in need. To effectively convey their mission and story to others in the community, RVR recruited Sun Sign Designs to redesign their entire website.

Sun Sign Designs knows every organization can benefit from custom photography. With only seconds to capture people’s attention, specialized images can really help non-profit organizations shine and stand out to their audience. Sun Sign Designs went on-location for RVR’s custom photography shoot and captured beautiful images of the facility’s horses and volunteers.

These custom photos empower non-profits to tell their story without saying a word. This type of visual storytelling successfully captures the essence of the organization’s mission and message. Custom photography allows people to get a close-up look and accurate depiction of an organization, which boosts their authenticity. In addition, when potential volunteers or donators are able to view team members as well as the horses on-site, they are able to put a face to a name and form personal connections with the organization.

While website visitors are likely to scroll past huge chunks of copy, creative, custom imagery will hook and anchor them. The visuals convey enough necessary information to get them interested in reading some copy and further exploring the site.

With Sun Sign Designs’ custom photography shoot, RVR is able to communicate the suffering that abused horses have faced as well as the triumph of their healing and recovery. The updated website design condenses previous copy and refocuses RVR’s non-profit mission and services with updated images and a refreshed design.

Visit RVR Horse Rescue’s beautiful new website at and let us know what you think!

It’s the thing that can make us halt and do double-takes as we hurry through store aisles. It’s what determines if we put a product in our carts or back on the shelf.

Great label designs catch consumer attention, spike their curiosity enough to stop, and ultimately help them say yes to a product. Essentially, it can make or break a product’s success, regardless of the product’s quality or effectiveness. Strong label designs that speak to your brand identity are critical for getting sales and keeping your business running.

Shopping has dramatically changed over the years. In our world of chronic busyness, today’s shoppers are increasingly short on time and favor a grab-and-go mentality. They do not spend long periods mulling over different products in store aisles.  As a result, brands only have a small window of opportunity to capture their customers’ attention and influence their buying decisions.

It’s no secret that consumer purchasing decisions are often based on a product’s appearance. Though consumers will usually look out for familiar brand names, strong product designs have the ability to powerfully sway and influence buying decisions.

Capture Consumer Attention and Interest

Shapes, colors, textures, font choices, and other design aspects can ensnare even the busiest shopper’s attention—though, not for long. Once the design has captured the consumer’s attention and interest long enough for them to stop and inspect the product, the label has only mere seconds to influence their purchase decision.  Finding the right design for your product is critical. Some brands make the mistake that they need loud, busy designs in order to capture consumer attention, becoming a blinking sign of sorts. However, too much going on can turn a customer off. Sometimes in a sea of color, simplicity and minimalism is what stands out. Finding the correct balance in your product design is essential to securing that first look.

Bring Your Brand Identity to Life

Brand identity is comprised of a business’s core values and beliefs. A brand’s label should encapsulate this brand message and effectively convey it to the consumer through design. As a result, a product label can become a cohesive part of a brand’s identity and accurately tell a brand’s story. If the consumer identifies with those values and beliefs, they will be able to build a common connection and rapport with your brand. This is essential to building the beginnings of brand loyalty.

Evoke an Emotional Experience and Control the Conversation

Label designs have the opportunity to engage the consumer and build a memorable connection like no other aspect of the product. Label design is a pivotal opportunity for brands to have conversations with their consumers. What is your label design telling and showing them? Brand’s are in the driver’s seat here—where is your label design subconsciously taking the consumer?

Something as simple as color choice has the ability to evoke a subconscious emotional response that appeals to the consumer, whether they are aware of it or not. When consumers feel emotionally engaged, they act. Strong label designs should choose a deliberate message or emotion to attract their target audience and prompt them to buy their product.

Maintain Consistency

With label design, consistency is key. As your brand builds a portfolio of products, maintaining consistent designs across all the products is the foundation to building a cohesive brand identity. Using a consistent palette of colors, graphics, and other design elements across all labels ensures that consumers can immediately recognize your brand. Maintaining consistency in these design elements not only differentiates your product from other brands, but it builds product credibility, consumer recognition, and member loyalty.


It is never a bad idea for brands to reconsider and refresh their product packaging and label design. Label design is a customer’s first encounter with your brand, and it determines if they will take a chance on your product. Whether it’s a new product launch or a refresh of a current product, label design needs to effectively capture attention and convey your brand identity.

That’s why Sun Sign Designs refreshed Fawn Organics’ Laundry Detergent and other cleaning products label design. Instead of the previous bright blue label, Sun Sign Designs opted for a clean, minimalist design that is on-trend for organic products and that speaks to Fawn Organics’ core values of toxin-free products and environmental sustainability. The brown label evokes thoughts of biodegradability and instigates environmental awareness in the consumer, effectively communicating their brand identity.

Check out Fawn Organics’ new label designs at and let us know what you think!

NHA Development LLC is a fully-licensed and insured development and construction company based in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. They offer full turn-key solutions and services to real estate developers, investors, and homeowners in the greater Philadelphia. They specialize in custom-built, new construction single-family and multi-family residential spaces.

From design to construction, NHA Development’s priority is to achieve their clients’ unique goals for their spaces with attention and consideration to their lifestyle and budgetary needs. NHA Development seeks to bridge the gap between quality craftsmanship and affordability to give Philadelphia homeowners beautifully-built homes at the best prices.

NHA Development recruited Sun Sign Designs to build a high-quality website that could house its extensive portfolio. Sun Sign Designs started with building a strong foundation by writing the relevant website copy needed to increase SEO, engage online visitors, tell NHA Development’s story and mission, and explain the company’s services.

The copy created a strong foundation to build a website design around. Sun Sign Designs designed NHA Development’s homepage to open with moving, panoramic views of their recent developments to give online visitors a virtual tour, indoor and outdoor, of NHA’s homes. As visitors scroll down the homepage, Sun Sign Designs achieves the perfect balance between beautiful visuals and relevant copy to keep people both engaged and informed.

Sun Sign Designs created a separate page for visitors to easily explore NHA Development’s entire portfolio. Visitors can simply select the property they are interested in viewing and then scroll through the relevant pictures. Sun Sign Designs reliable hosting services allow NHA Development to house as many pictures as they want without affecting their website’s load time and speeds. In addition, Sun Sign Designs created the ability for visitors to easily request a quote and to view the typical lifecycle of a new construction development.

Sun Sign Designs knows a strong and professional online presence is essential for businesses to convert leads into sales. We have all the tools you need for the perfect website—get started with us today!


Visit NHA Development’s website at let us know what you think in the comments below!

For over 50 years, Via Roma Italian Restaurant & Sports Bar has proudly served Eagleville, Pennsylvania. Since opening in 1969, they have been committed to serving up the most authentic Italian cooking for their community to enjoy. They prioritize great service, hot, made-to-order cooking, and outstanding value for the best possible dining experience. All of their dishes are original family recipes that have been passed down from generation-to-generation and lovingly preserved. When they serve you, they are serving family!

With over 50 years of excellent service, Via Roma knew their website also needed to be first-rate, so they turned to Sun Sign Designs to cook up an amazing website!

Sun Sign Designs understood Via Roma needed reliable e-commerce solutions for their new website, so they could cut out expensive delivery apps that took commissions from their sales. With a complete online menu available, Sun Sign Designs gives customers a taste of what Via Roma has to offer with easy-to-use menu navigation.

Via Roma’s customers can now easily navigate through appetizers, entrees, pizzas, salads, subs, and more. With an easy-to-navigate online menu and secure check-out options, Via Roma’s customers can effortlessly order and complete their meal purchase online and pick-up in person. Sun Sign Designs also ensured Via Roma’s website is mobile-friendly, so customers can view and order from the website no matter what device they use.

In addition to adding an online menu and e-commerce solutions, Sun Sign Designs also cooked up an appetizing homepage that features a colorful and visually-appealing gallery of Via Roma’s delicious dishes. To complement the visuals, Sun Sign Designs wrote new engaging copy that shares Via Roma’s offerings, events, story, and mission. Relevant website copy and content building drives successful SEO results and helps get more customers ordering online and coming in the door.

Sun Sign Designs knows a strong and professional online presence is essential for restaurants to get customers coming in, ordering online, and sharing their experience with others. We have all the ingredients for the perfect website—get started with us today!

Visit Via Roma’s new website at and let us know what you think in the comments below!

PEAQ Procurement is a strategic advisory firm focused on helping mid-sized companies grow and perform by delivering value through procurement. Through its name, PEAQ promises Procurement Excellence Achieved Quickly and bringing their clients to the pinnacle, or “peak,” of success through strategic procurement.

PEAQ is action-oriented and focused on accelerated savings and results for their clients. They intimately understand what mid-sized companies need at each stage of the procurement process having walked in their clients’ shoes and faced the same challenges. With PEAQ’s down-to-earth, action-oriented approach to procurement, Sun Sign Designs designed their website to visually convey this message and approach.

PEAQ’s homepage opens with a paneled slideshow that immediately engages and hooks visitors of the website. The images feature breathtaking, rugged views of mountains, deep valleys, forests, and rivers—but these are not uninhabited, empty stills. They present adventurers hiking trails, climbing uphill, and scaling craggy rocks. By showcasing individuals who are physically ascending rough terrains, Sun Sign Designs infuses PEAQ’s website aesthetic with advancement and achievement in the face of adversity—or in the face of an intimidating procurement process.

Sun Sign Designs visually helps push PEAQ’s action-based mission to keep their clients moving forward and reach their procurement goals with the carefully-selected storyboard of images. Sun Sign Designs makes the majestic imagery approachable by inhabiting it with successful, hardworking individuals. As a result, Sun Sign Designs makes PEAQ’s procurement process appear more accessible and approachable for the mid-sized companies PEAQ works for.

With several images of individuals standing at great heights, or peaks, looking down below, Sun Sign Designs emphasizes PEAQ’s promise to guide their clients through difficult obstacles to reach the summit of their procurement goals.

At Sun Sign Designs, we believe strategic visual communication and quality website design are essential for speaking directly to your target audience and strengthening your business’s brand and core mission.

Check out PEAQ Procurement’s new website at

Once a business has decided to build a website, it has an important decision to make before even thinking of the design process: choosing a name.

In our digital age, domain names have become online property. It is the virtual storefront where owners conduct business and where potential customers will browse and shop.

Domain names provide identifiable addresses for Internet users to easily locate a business’s website rather than using a string of numbers, or the IP address. No two domain names are ever the same, so staking your business’s claim can be a daunting process and, inevitably, many questions arise:

“Do I have to buy the same domain name as my registered business name?”

“Which domain extension would be best for me?”

“Will the choice of my domain name affect SEO?”

Blue Rooster Web answers all of these questions and streamlines that process for businesses through creative consultations to problem-solve, create, and secure a business’s unique, brand-driven domain name with Search Engine Optimization in the forefront.

Already included in Blue Rooster Web’s comprehensive and affordable web design and marketing subscription, businesses don’t have to worry about annual fees for domain name upkeep.

Snyder Business Law is a boutique law firm based in Radnor, Pennsylvania. They proudly represent small businesses, start-ups, family-owned businesses, and their leaders, presidents, and CEOs. Snyder Law knows firsthand that small-to-medium-sized businesses traditionally serviced by large city-based firms are often disappointed by the lack of attention they receive as well as the soaring rates they are forced to pay. Snyder Business Law never lets their clients become afterthoughts and provides the same quality services for a much more affordable price—and they needed a website to effectively convey this to potential clients.

Snyder Law turned to Sun Sign Designs to host and create a sleek, professional website that visually communicated quality and affordability while providing ease of use at the same time. With these design goals in mind, Sun Sign Designs created a high-end aesthetic with cityscape backgrounds and professional figures and then balanced this design by adding images of people smiling and working together. As a result, Sun Sign Designs conveyed that Snyder Business Law offers the same quality services that large city-based firms do while being much more approachable and accessible. In addition, the website is easily navigable, so potential clients can seamlessly find the information they need to continue.

In addition to marketing savvy website design and SEO enhancements, Sun Sign Designs also helped Snyder Law pivot their business model to solve this common problem within the legal world: business owners needed to be able to contact their attorneys with time-sensitive questions about business decisions, potential risks, and potential opportunities on an affordable basis. Though Snyder Law knew this need was apparent, they didn’t quite know how to create a sustainable business model and website to fill this need.

Sun Sign Designs helped Snyder Law create a recurring revenue model that satisfied this need and streamlined it through their new website. Sun Sign Designs assisted Snyder Law in crafting its monthly subscription plan as well as scaling its operations and automating its processes to thrive in an online environment. As a result, Snyder Law’s Scribe subscription service satisfied the consumer demand for legal advice—available via phone, email, text, and Zoom—while also creating a stable revenue stream for Snyder Law that could grow without restraint.

Through the three different Scribe “Law on Call” subscription levels, Snyder Law has helped clients start their businesses, manage agreements and employment contracts, set their businesses up for sale or succession, and grow them with trademarks, licensing, and franchising. For low monthly costs, business owners can schedule a monthly virtual conference with an attorney to answer all their business questions and concerns. This opportunity to affordably problem-solve with a legal expert and receive ongoing communication is truly priceless for any business owner, and Snyder Law, with the help of Sun Sign Designs, was able to effectively create a profitable solution for both parties.

The affordability of the subscription-based model combined with the value and low-risk for potential clients to try out the service immediately attracted and retained more long-term clients in a cost-effective manner. Consequently, both the clients and Snyder Law saved money. Additionally, Snyder Law was able to diversify their monthly revenue streams and have a revenue stream that could increase without restriction. The recurring revenue model through a subscription service gave Snyder Law the opportunity to build strong relationships with their clients on an ongoing basis, creating stability and long-term sustainability for its boutique law firm.

Check them out at