Digital Marketing News in the Tampa Bay Area and Vestal New York.

Sun Sign Designs has the privalge to reveil Florida Impact’s new website. This is a celebratory time for Florida Impact as they are celebrating their 45th anniversary making a difference in Florida and across the country. The 45th anniversary launch showcases a slide presentation historical timeline, which can be viewed on their homepage.

Florida Impact is a dedicated non-profit organization committed to ending hunger and promoting health equity across Florida. Their mission focuses on maximizing access to federal, state, and local food and nutrition programs, particularly targeting the state’s most vulnerable populations. The organization engages communities to address food insecurity and advocates for policies to enhance nutrition assistance.

Key Focus Areas

  • Community Mobilization: Engaging communities to utilize available food and nutrition programs.
  • Advocacy: Pushing for policy changes to improve food access and nutrition.
  • Resource Provision: Offering tools and resources to find economic support and hunger data.

Programs and Projects

Florida Impact runs several initiatives, including the Child Tax Credit advocacy and participation in the Summer EBT Program, aimed at providing essential food support during school breaks.

Take Action

Supporters can engage with Florida Impact through donations, volunteering, and participating in advocacy efforts. The organization provides various ways to get involved, including newsletters and action alerts to mobilize community support.

For more information and to get involved, visit Florida Impact.

Congratulations to Florida Impact for 45 years of service!

If you are a non-profit or small business that would like to discuss your website and marketing challanges, schedule a call. It’s FREE and you can ask us anything.

The Lab Theater Project is a nonprofit organization based in Tampa, Florida, dedicated to supporting and producing new and original works by playwrights. It provides a platform for emerging and established writers to showcase their work, offering opportunities for local artists to develop their skills and gain recognition. LAB focuses on fostering a collaborative environment, hosting various workshops, readings, and performances throughout the year. The organization aims to enrich the community by presenting diverse and thought-provoking theatrical experiences.

Sun Sign Designs had the privilege to redesign LAB’s website and launch it earlier this week. The redesign primary focus was to clean up the existing design, make the site mobile friendly, as well as, inviting to the potential theater supporters. The new site has built in features to support future marketing endeavors.

For more information, and to support their theatrical works, visit Lab Theater Project.

As a developer for over 24 years, I have studied and seen many types of attacks on websites and other infrastructure. Most of the attacks I have witnessed have had a specific agenda in mind. In which, the attacker was looking to gain access to high valued information, bank account info and other personal data. In some cases, the attacker is just trying to disrupt services to cause a company financial pain.

Lately, what is concerning to me has been the uptick in the number of alerts my company receives daily when it comes to monitoring the health of our clients websites. So much so, we decided to run additional scans, by having one of our staff do penetration testing on websites we have built as well as host. Though the results came back with a handful of adjustments needing to be made. What became clear, attackers did not care whether the site was high profile. They cared if there was any vulnerability. Comparing our traffic analyzer to sites with known vulnerabilities, we found that if a site had a known vulnerability, then it was getting more unwanted attention.

So what got our attention? Clients who reported a slower website, showed an increase in unwanted traffic. In most cases, these sites were getting hammered with inbound traffic. To be clear, this did not mean they were infected, it just ment there was something a hacker could see as an opportunity. In these cases we patched the issue and all was well. However, we took an additional step to investigate this further. With permission, we pen-tested a few websites that we did not build or host. To our amazement, these sites came back to be easy targets for multitude of attacks, one of which, was a PHP injection.

Why is it important to keep your website clean? First off, it is not a matter of if but a matter of when you get infected. Every attack or infection has an end game. For lower profile sites, an infection could mean malware is now able to be transferred to any device that touches that site. That includes cell phones, which is like having someone rooting around in your wallet. Every website needs to take security seriously. Attacks can lower your brand’s value, keep customers from returning, lower SEO value/rank, disrupt your business processes, and ruin your reputation.

How can I reduce risk?

  • Make sure your hosting company is following all standards and keeping their equipment up to date.
  • In your admin console for your website hosting, review your settings to make sure you have not left any back doors open.
  • Keep your website software up to date. This includes your CMS (if you use one), plug-ins, supporting software, ECT.
  • Use security software on your website to monitor for any changes and protect you from infection.
  • Use a program like Cloudflare to protect you from outside attacks.
  • Have a disaster recovery plan in place so that if something does happen, you can go back and do a restore.

If you are unclear on how to review these steps, contact an expert who has a background in development and cyber security.  As always, we are happy to assist you with reviewing the security of your website.

The Unity Spiritual Center near The Villages, located in Fruitland Park, Florida, is a welcoming and inclusive spiritual community dedicated to transforming lives and inspiring people to make a positive impact in the world. Founded on the principles of Unity, the center promotes a positive, practical, and progressive approach to Christianity.

Unity Spiritual Center’s core beliefs include:
1. God is the source and creator of all, omnipresent and inherently good.
2. Every person is a spiritual being created in God’s image, inherently good.
3. Our life experiences are shaped by our thoughts.
4. Affirmative prayer and meditation are powerful tools for connecting with God.
5. Living these spiritual principles is essential for personal and communal transformation.

The center offers various events and classes, including Sunday services, prayer services, and other spiritual education opportunities. They emphasize community involvement and support for the LGBTQIA+ community, ensuring that everyone feels accepted and valued.

For more information, you can visit their website Unity Spiritual Center, or contact them directly via phone at 352-454-3120 or email at [email protected]].

As we consult clients, we mentor on the 4 Cs of selling. These staples of effective marketing are essential to understand in order to convert customers. Most business hit at least two of the 4 C’s but find that their conversion rate does not meet their expectations. Instead of correcting the challenge at the root, they just push out more marketing. thinking that the increase in volume will meet their goals and milestones. So what are the 4 Cs of selling? Let’s dive into it, shall we.

Creditability, Capability, Cost, and Chemistry it rolls off of my tongue like silk chocolate, and when it explaining it, it goes something like this.

Is your product or service creditable? Can you back them up with facts? This is why legitimate reviews are so important to most businesses. For those products with a more defined pallet, acknowledgment from major sources help galvanize your creditability. This is why a reference holds so much value. If your colleague provides a reference about your business, skip go and move right on to capability.

Does your product or service meet expectations? If hired, can you produce the intended results in a reasonable timeframe? Do you have the equipment or man power to do so? The owner of a company I worked for many moons ago, had a saying; “Don’t make the sizzle better than the steak” In other words do not over sell yourself or your creditability will be in jeopardy.

When I look at services or products being offered, I always take a look under the hood to see if they are truly able to meet expectations. However, you can get a glimps by thoroughly going through a company’s website. However, to shorten the sale, just put your capability right up front.

This is the one that everyone gets …. maybe. Is your product or service priced right? Are you creating the right value with what you are offering? I read so many articles about how to put the right value on products and services. One of my favorites is a bottle of water. Put that bottle in a regular store it costs $1.00. Put that bottle on an airplane, it costs $3.00. Put that bottle in an amusement park on a hot day, it costs $5.00. The water’s value only changed because of the environment. If you nail the first 2 c’s then, you can charge more in the right environment.

Ok, so you have the first 3 C’s nailed down, but your sales team has the personality of a greasy used car salesman. This my friends is where I will show my age. Before all of the current technology that we use, the marketing and sales team needed to find a way to connect directly with the values, desires, and personality of the consumer. We call it demographic. But it is so much deeper than that. Face to face interactions, allowed sales to be able to read tone, facial expressions and posture to form immediate responses to close the sale. In our modern age we have lost this art, and use all sorts of assumptions to try to replace the human experience. Chemistry of an organization starts from the first moment an interaction occurs.

As an example, I travel almost every week, and I fly Delta. Delta, in my mind is the epitome of chemistry. At least for me, every step of my journey is catered to by friendly voices, faces and attitudes. The tone they use to solve challenges and provide service is why I continue to go back to them every week, even if I have an occasional negative experience. My suggestion, pick your example and learn from that business and understand why they are the forefront of their industry.

So where does this get us? The above is a short list of the 4Cs. Grab a pen and start checking the boxes. If you honestly can not check 4 boxes then go back and figure out how to change. If you feel like you are missing something, that is where I come in. Schedule an appointment with me for 30 mins. It is FREE.


In today’s digital landscape, content is king. However, without a well-defined content strategy, even the most brilliant content can get lost in the noise of the internet. A robust content strategy is the roadmap that guides the creation, distribution, and management of content to achieve specific business goals. Let’s delve into what content strategy entails and why it’s essential for digital success.

Understanding Content Strategy:

Content strategy involves planning, creating, distributing, and managing content to attract, engage, and retain a target audience. It’s not just about churning out content but rather about creating meaningful, relevant, and valuable content that aligns with the needs and interests of your audience while also meeting your business objectives.

Key Components of Content Strategy:

1. Audience Research: Understanding your audience is paramount. Conduct thorough research to identify their demographics, preferences, pain points, and behaviors. This insight will inform the type of content you create and how you deliver it.

2. Goals and Objectives: Define clear and measurable goals for your content strategy. Whether it’s increasing brand awareness, generating leads, or driving sales, setting specific objectives will guide your content creation efforts and help you track success.

3. Content Planning and Creation: Develop a content plan that outlines the topics, formats, and channels you’ll use to reach your audience. Create high-quality, engaging content that resonates with your target audience and reinforces your brand message.

4. Content Distribution: Determine the most effective channels for distributing your content based on where your audience spends their time online. Whether it’s social media, email marketing, or search engine optimization (SEO), a multichannel approach can maximize your content’s reach and impact.

5. Content Governance: Establish guidelines and processes for creating, publishing, and managing content. This includes content calendars, editorial workflows, style guides, and quality assurance measures to ensure consistency and alignment with your brand.

6. Performance Measurement: Regularly monitor and analyze the performance of your content against your established goals and KPIs. Use data and analytics to identify what’s working, what’s not, and where there are opportunities for improvement.

Benefits of a Strong Content Strategy:

1. Increased Brand Visibility: A well-executed content strategy can help you stand out in a crowded marketplace and increase brand awareness among your target audience.

2. Audience Engagement and Loyalty: By delivering valuable and relevant content, you can build trust and credibility with your audience, leading to increased engagement and loyalty over time.

3. Improved SEO and Website Traffic: Quality content that is optimized for search engines can help improve your website’s visibility in search results, driving organic traffic and attracting potential customers.

4. Lead Generation and Conversion: Strategic content can nurture leads through the sales funnel, providing valuable information and guiding them towards making a purchase decision.

5. Cost-Effectiveness: Compared to traditional advertising methods, content marketing is often more cost-effective and can deliver a higher ROI over the long term.


In today’s hyperconnected world, content strategy is not just a nice-to-have; it’s a necessity for businesses looking to succeed in the digital realm. By understanding your audience, setting clear goals, and creating valuable content, you can establish a strong online presence, engage your target audience, and drive meaningful results for your business. So, invest the time and resources into developing a robust content strategy, and watch your digital efforts pay off.

In a bid to enhance email security and combat the rising tide of spam and phishing attempts, two of the internet’s most prominent email providers, Gmail and Yahoo!, have announced plans to enforce new requirements for the types of emails they will accept and transmit to users’ inboxes. This move underscores the growing importance of email security in an era where cyber threats are becoming increasingly sophisticated.

Gmail, owned by tech giant Google, and Yahoo!, a veteran in the email service domain, have long been at the forefront of providing reliable and user-friendly email platforms to millions worldwide. However, with the proliferation of malicious emails containing malware, phishing links, and other nefarious content, the need for tighter email security measures has never been more pressing.

Beginning in April 2024, both Gmail and Yahoo! will implement stricter protocols to determine which emails are legitimate and safe for delivery to users’ inboxes. These protocols, often referred to as email authentication standards, include mechanisms such as SPF (Sender Policy Framework), DKIM (DomainKeys Identified Mail), and DMARC (Domain-based Message Authentication, Reporting, and Conformance). These standards help verify the authenticity of the sender and the integrity of the email’s content, thus reducing the likelihood of unauthorized or malicious emails reaching users.

One of the key changes introduced by Gmail and Yahoo! involves the enforcement of DMARC policies. DMARC allows domain owners to specify how their emails should be handled if they fail authentication checks. By enforcing strict DMARC policies, Gmail and Yahoo! aim to prevent unauthorized senders from spoofing their domains, a common tactic used in phishing attacks where malicious actors impersonate legitimate entities to deceive users into divulging sensitive information.

Additionally, both email providers will enhance their email filtering algorithms to better identify and flag suspicious emails based on various criteria, including sender reputation, content analysis, and user feedback. This will help bolster their existing spam filters and provide users with an extra layer of protection against unwanted or harmful emails.

While these changes are primarily aimed at improving email security, they may also have implications for legitimate senders, such as businesses and organizations that rely on email marketing or communication. To ensure their emails continue to reach recipients’ inboxes, senders will need to adhere to best practices for email authentication and maintain a positive sender reputation.

Moreover, Gmail and Yahoo! have emphasized the importance of ongoing collaboration with the broader email ecosystem to promote the adoption of these security standards across the board. This includes working with email service providers, domain owners, and industry organizations to raise awareness and facilitate the implementation of email authentication protocols.

Overall, the decision by Gmail and Yahoo! to enforce stricter requirements for incoming emails reflects their commitment to safeguarding users’ inboxes from malicious threats. By leveraging advanced email authentication standards and refining their filtering mechanisms, these email providers are taking proactive steps to enhance email security and preserve trust in the integrity of electronic communication. As email continues to play a vital role in both personal and professional communication, initiatives like these are crucial in maintaining a safe and secure online environment for users worldwide.

If your company needs assistance with or needs help meeting these standards, please contact us today.

Sun Sign Designs has had the pleasure over the course of the last 14 years to work with Ms Peggy, owner and CEO of SECC (Spolarized Entertainment Collection Corp). This dynamic musical artist has brought into her fold, talented artists, who otherwise would have gotten skipped over in the music industry and recently created this masterpiece.

Her latest album “Ms Peggy and Her Spolairos” is nothing short of changing the pop genre as it showcases an ecleptic version of two decades of songs. Sun Sign Designs got the opportunity to remaster these songs and help Ms Peggy produce the album which was officially  released on April 5th, 2024.

During a recent interview, Ms Peggy described the theme of this album about family and doing what is right. Her brand “Get Legally Loaded” follows this theme as her business emerged in the digital download era. Being “Legally Loaded” means standing up for what is right and keeping yourself on the right track. If you do so, you then are “Spolarized” to the highest degree shinning as a star and as a masterpiece. Ms Peggy who grew up in Philly, has seen the music industry from a full throttle perspective. In her book “All In One Life Beneath the Hype“, she shares her experiences and reveals the B-side of the music industry. This tone underlines the theme of her new album and gives the listener a preview of her life as a music artist. The full interview will show sometime later in April 2024.

Please check out her album out on itunes or Spotify and give it a listen. Don’t forget to be spolarized.


There’s so many organizations out there that do a lot of good. The concept of a ministry, no matter what its application, should be to evangelize in multiple ways. Of course, with the Catholic Church, the primary evangelization is of God. Secondary to that, would be to educate others on the topic that the ministry is about, in this specific case gardening.

Gardening provides many gifts to the participants. The gift of creating, nurturing and growing; and the gift of harvesting and sharing the fruits of your labor with others.

Sacred Heart Catholic Church located in Tampa Florida, needed a tool to help them provide gardening education, ministry organization and of course beautification of a 10 acre property. The end result would be to empower volunteers to assist in this ministry on a monthly basis with the intended goal to eventually grow enough food to provide a bounty to others.

Sun Sign Designs, built Sacred Heart a simple, but effective website to accomplish educating others about gardening, providing a calendar of events and a place to share experiences in the gardening process.

Please check the site out at

If you are a resident of Tampa, come out and help them grow their garden.

In the bustling world of business, where first impressions matter more than ever, a logo stands as a beacon of identity. It’s the visual embodiment of a company’s ethos, values, and aspirations, condensed into a single mark. The art and science behind logo design are a testament to the power of simplicity and symbolism in communication.

At its core, a logo serves as the face of a brand. It’s the image that consumers associate with a company, product, or service. From the iconic swoosh of Nike to the bitten apple of Apple Inc., logos have the remarkable ability to evoke emotions, convey messages, and foster recognition.

Crafting a memorable logo is no easy feat. It requires a delicate balance of creativity, psychology, and strategic thinking. Designers must distill complex ideas into minimalist forms, ensuring that the essence of the brand shines through. Each curve, line, and color choice is meticulously chosen to resonate with the target audience and leave a lasting impression.

One of the fundamental principles of logo design is versatility. A well-designed logo should be scalable, adaptable, and timeless. Whether it’s stamped on a business card or emblazoned on a billboard, it must retain its integrity and legibility across various mediums and sizes. Moreover, a logo should transcend fleeting trends, standing the test of time as a timeless symbol of identity.

Understanding the psychology of color is also crucial in logo design. Different colors evoke different emotions and associations. For instance, red symbolizes energy, passion, and urgency, while blue conveys trust, professionalism, and reliability. By strategically incorporating color psychology into their designs, designers can elicit specific reactions and resonate with their target audience on a subconscious level.

Furthermore, typography plays a significant role in logo design. The choice of font can convey the personality and tone of a brand, whether it’s sleek and modern or classic and elegant. Just like colors, different fonts evoke different emotions and perceptions, influencing how consumers perceive a brand.

In an era dominated by digital media, adaptability is key. A logo must be designed with various digital platforms in mind, ensuring seamless integration across websites, social media, mobile apps, and beyond. Responsive design principles enable logos to maintain their integrity and legibility across a myriad of devices and screen sizes, enhancing brand consistency and recognition.

Logo design is a harmonious blend of art and science. It’s the visual language through which brands communicate with the world, leaving a lasting impression on consumers’ minds. By harnessing the power of simplicity, symbolism, and strategic thinking, designers can create logos that stand as timeless symbols of identity in an ever-evolving landscape.

This is exactly what we did with A Never Ending Basket’s logo, with careful consideration, we balanced the business of what they believe in and who they are. Evoking the thought of is the gift basket really never ending?