Digital Marketing News

Conversations about our clients, tech trends and community service in the areas we serve.

Major Cyber Espionage Group Discovered & Who this Poses a Threat To

Researchers at Kaspersky Lab in Russia have discovered a highly sophisticated cyber-espionage group that has pulled of some jaw-dropping cyber invasions unlike any in the past. Kaspersky researches have indicated that this group, known as “The…

Twitter Launches Group Direct Messages…What Does this Mean for Users?

When I initially read about Twitter launching group direct messages all I could think about was the amount of SPAM people would now be exposed to and that this could be a little invasive for some. After investigating a little further I found…

Android Users Feel the Wrath of Malicious App Viruses

In one of our recent articles, we talked about internet security and how precious our personal information I, and how awful it would be to have it compromised… Well, technology and feeling secure are two things that don’t necessarily mesh…

Be Careful What you Tweet!

  Well, there is some hype in the social universe… In specific, the rumors are regarding the talk of Twitter and Google partnering up in the very near future that could allow tweets to be searched for on Google. This may not seem like…

Preparing Content for Social Media

Did you know that 64% of adults take part in social networking? I bet you also did not know that the majority of individuals using social media check their profiles every morning upon getting up… Crazy huh? No, not quite. We are living in…

The Reality of Business Owners Balancing Life and Work

As a business owner, balancing life and work can be a serious challenge. Unfortunately not all jobs are nine to five so finding an even balance between work and family/life… Well, can be very difficult. First and foremost… When you own…