Twitter Launches Group Direct Messages…What Does this Mean for Users?

When I initially read about Twitter launching group direct messages all I could think about was the amount of SPAM people would now be exposed to and that this could be a little invasive for some. After investigating a little further I found that group DM could actually be a very useful tool!

Twitter group direct messages allows up to twenty people to participate in a group chat at one time. Any individuals within the group can freely add another to the group whether or not they are followed by the others. Essentially, this feature gives users like us more options for how we choose to communicate and who we are communicating with. These group chats give individuals a chance to communicate within small groups about a shared interest/topic.  Some are calling this feature a “social media network within a social media network.”

Group direct messages can actually act as a quick in and out meeting for some, including those who have accounts linked to a network of related Twitter accounts. Take for instance a chain beauty store that may have a Beauty Binghamton, Beauty Syracuse and Beauty Rochester account… When corporate gets a tweet about an incident at Beauty Binghamton, the social media managers for each can hop in a group chat and decide who is addressing the tweet and how. Rather than group emailing back and forth, cluttering inboxes or trying to explain the situation over the phone they can simply screen shot and start a group direct message and address from there.  It’s also being seen as a way to make informal introductions for not only work purposes or recruitment but for match-making, too!

Of course, there will always be a downfall and many, including myself are wondering about the trolling and SPAM aspect of it all- but for business owners and those trying to use Twitter as a viable media outlet for marketing, this could be hugely beneficial! Celebrities are the ones who have it worst right now—unfortunately for those celebs who have followed their fans back, fans have begun  the direct message group chats and started inviting their friends, frantically messaging in hopes that the stars will respond, it has actually become a bit over-the-top for some celebrities but unfortunately Twitter does not offer special protection for them. If you are a business owner or even a social media manager, look forward to take advantage of this new feature! If you aren’t quite sure how you fit in the mix or how it can benefit your business, give our team a call! We develop custom strategies for each and every one of our clients not just for social media but for other outlets as well. We are current with all of the changes going on in the social universe and how best to take advantage of these changes… We’re ready when you are!

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