
Every company knows that growth can be a mixed blessing – with increased revenue comes new demands on your company infrastructure, to the point where the integrated systems can grind to a halt if one segment lags behind another. This is the story of Fox Run Brands, the powerful company behind such names as KitchenArt, CuisineArt and Kingsford. It has such a strong list of brands to support it almost overwhelmed their own sales staff—they had no concise way of presenting their inventory to interested vendors and retailers.

Sun Sign Designs arrived to create the website as a sales tool. We gave them a clean interface that allowed potential clients to quickly examine the products. It also served as a place for customers to find out new offerings from the company, along with recipes where they got to use the products themselves. The website was also directly linked to the company, which made the site the center for all outgoing and incoming communication. This helped Fox Run Brands to swiftly get the pulse of the online conversation for its products.

We continue to support Fox Run, as we didn’t just simply build a great website for them, but we also provide a dedicated service where we house the server that supports their website. As part of our overall package, we provide technical support and website security. We also give you as needed updates to your website, and a full site re-design after 18 months. You’ll know you can reach out to us if something happens. We’re there for you.

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