
Many websites have a foundation set for how they run things, but want to become something more—in fact, the market demands that they do. Mack started as a company that sold cameras to customers, but as they increasingly got requests for equipment repairs, they found they had the ability to extend the warranty for almost any device brand for consumers. It was a great idea, as customers would be able to go to them for their service needs as opposed to their competitors. It would also make them a worldwide entity. However, they had an issue: their website was too basic, suited for the needs of a retailer but not able to handle all the different needs that would arise if they made their expansion into warranties a reality.

Enter Sun Sign Designs. We created a whole new look and functionality for their website, making it responsive and informative for the consumer. The website became integrated with the product list for all the Mack supported vendors, giving customers easy access to find their product in order to get the process started. The new site allows consumers to track their warranty in each step of the process, providing transparency to a process that normally was tied up in red tape. The look of the website contributes to its modern feel, as each time a customer clicks to the site, it changes its background, giving it a vibrant and first class feel. If you want to make your customers feel like they’re getting the best service, every step in the process must look professional. We’ll give your website that feel that will give you and your customers peace of mind.

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