Email Personalization Practices that Get Results

Personalized Email Marketing

How does personalization factor into email marketing? Well, today, personalization is much more than using your customers’ first name in emails.

Email personalization is a marketing strategy that uses email subscribers’ data to make communications feel custom-made for an individual. Customers don’t want to be treated like just another number—they want to be seen as a unique individual. Personalized communications engage consumers, make them feel special, and increase brand loyalty.

Email personalization is a necessary way to help your customers feel your business understands their wants and needs, help build lasting trust and loyalty with them, and help customers feel secure about moving forward with your products and services.

Email inboxes are busy places these days. How can your business stand out with personalization?

List Segmentation

Generic, bulk emails are not valuable to your customers. More likely than not, your business will get lost in the spam folder with these basic emails. List segmentation is essential to driving a successful email marketing strategy.

List segmentation is exactly what it sounds like: breaking up your email list into small, targeted sections, so customers receive content that is relevant to them. The segmentation options are limitless. For example, you can segment email lists based on demographics, web behavior, purchase history, and more.  Not only will this increase open rates, engagement, and conversions, but customers will feel that your business understands their wants and needs.

Personalized Subject Lines

Subject lines provide quick first impressions of your brand. In addition, it is often what determines if an email gets opened or not. Crafting subject lines is much more than writing a snappy tagline that will hook your readers’ interest—it is about relevance and personalization.

Subject lines that increase open rates include: first names, interests, milestones like birthdays or anniversaries, transaction history, and more. Customers don’t want to be treated like a number—they want to be seen and treated as an individual. Personalized subject lines will help your business achieve this!

Personalized Call-to-Actions

The combination of urgency and personalization is powerful. The fear of missing out is something that we all understand. No one wants to miss out on a good deal or sale. Personalized call-to-actions naturally perform better than generic call-to-actions. Why? Because they are specifically tailored to customer interests. For example, a customer who is interested in a certain product will likely open and react to an email that tells them that product is on sale or has limited inventory.

Drip Campaigns

Behavior-triggered emails are automatic reactions to how customers are interacting with your products or services. This is a type of automated tactic that determine what a customer will see next. This could be an abandoned cart email, a welcome email, or useful instructional information once a customer has bought a product.  Drip campaigns continuously “drip,” or send a certain number of personalized emails over a set period of time, based on the actions that the customer takes. Highly personalized and targeted, drip campaigns are great at reengaging dormant customers.

Automation Can Bring a More Personal Touch

Personalization builds relationships with the people who matter most to your business. When you prioritize personalization in marketing, you put your customers first. It’s a marketing tactic that businesses cannot ignore. Automation software can take your emails from one-size-fits-all to highly targeted and personal.

Interested in how automation and personalization can drive results? Contact Sun Sign Designs for a consultation.

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