
Your company has its own history and story, and how do you know if another professional service can understand just what you need? Sun Sign Designs has proven experience handling almost any kind of business, including a martial arts dojo looking to bring their practice into the 21st century.

Hidy Ochiai and his dojo wanted to bring the feel of Modern Japan to their website, so that they could show a minimalism that carries through their outer design and the training itself. Ochiai is 76 years old and is a true master in his field, and wanted to carry over his knowledge to all of his branch schools despite the fact that he was one man and can only be in one place at a time. The answer to this was to build out a website that supported video chat and secure video integrity for the stream. This was necessary as the instructors and students needed to be able to see the precise muscle movement without the video quality graining out. The website also offers instructions to find the right equipment and where to buy it.

In addition to their primary website, we also support their individual branch websites. We created a style guide that is used as a template for the over 15 branches to make their own site. For these sites, we provide SEO and technical support. In this way, Ochiai can teach in his home dojo and let the franchise trainers watch him until they feel prepared enough to take on the practice themselves.

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