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Mobile Development: Getting Your Content into the Hands of Consumers



Mobile usage is reaching critical mass as the go-to method for people seeking new content online. And while we’ve spoken previously about the importance of making your webpage mobile-friendly, it’s worth looking at current events to see the effects of not being 100% prepared. We’ll also look at some of the clear benefits of building out a mobile platform for your business.

Yesterday Radiohead released their first album in five years on their official website, in addition to music streaming services. While the album is available for download from the Apple iTunes store today, many fans couldn’t wait the 24 hours for the long awaited arrival of the band’s work, and downloaded the music directly from the home site. At the point-of-sale, however, an interesting notice appeared: “Please note: Do not download [the music] from a smartphone, it will not work. Please use a computer.” And while this notice will likely not cause any real issue for Radiohead, who have 6 platinum albums in the US alone, your business might not be so lucky if it came with such a warning. The fact is, customers hate to see these kind of hurdles, especially if their go-to device is their phone. If your competition happens to have an easier way of access via mobile, customers may gravitate towards their business, leaving you in the dust.

But enough of the negative, what are the benefits of going mobile? Alluding to the Radiohead story above, having a strong mobile presence will boost sales. In the same way that the internet reached entirely new areas of people that your business could previously never dream of reaching, mobile marketing reaches people who aren’t necessarily logged in at home. It also enhances the customer experience overall – yes, customers could just go on to their computers to reach you, but why not make it that much easier for them, making everything smoother and offer a positive word-of-mouth experience? And finally, the ability to give tougher competition to your adversaries is an obvious selling point for the case of having a mobile presence. If you decide to take the plunge and develop an app or at least make your site more mobile-friendly, your competition will realize that your company is serious about succeeding in the market, and they may even kick themselves for not being so bold.

Mobile development isn’t for the meek, and you’ll need all the help you can get to compete in this field. That’s why you’ll want to reach out to Sun Sign Designs to help carry the weight for you. Reach out to us today!

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